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Estate Planning Mistakes

By Charles Penzien Lawyers frequently see clients who have made estate planning mistakes. Estate planning can be a complex process, and it is not uncommon for individuals to make mistakes when creating or updating their estate plan. An attorney can help correct these...

Joint Ownership can be very Dangerous

By Charles Penzien We often have clients ask about whether or not it is a good idea to hold real estate with their children. People sometimes believe that placing their children’s names on their homes or other real estate can take the place of more established estate...
How can you resolve an inheritance dispute?

How can you resolve an inheritance dispute?

Even with proper estate planning, disagreements can occur. In these cases, follow these best practices: Hire a mediator This neutral third party can help family members productively work through differences and typically costs less than a legal battle. Liquidate all...
How to avoid inheritance disputes

How to avoid inheritance disputes

Inheritance disputes can be time-consuming, expensive, and emotionally taxing on the surviving family. Fortunately, proper estate planning can help reduce and even prevent disputes from happening. How to avoid inheritance disputes Talk openly and honestly with family...
6 big causes of inheritance disputes

6 big causes of inheritance disputes

Several factors can lead to inheritance disputes, including: When there’s an inequality in the will An inheritance dispute can occur if a family member wasn’t included in the will or felt another member was favored over the others. This often happens among siblings if...